Electronics and Communication engineering discipline develops non-linear and active electrical components (such as electron tubes, and semiconductor devices, especially transistors, diodes and integrated circuits) to design electronic circuits, devices and systems. Electronics engineering deals with implementation of applications, principles and algorithms developed within many related fields where as communication engineering deals designing and overseeing the installation of telecommunications equipment and facilities, such as complex electronic switching systems, copper wire telephone facilities, and fiber optics.

Microprocessor / Microcontroller Lab

Microprocessors and Microcontrollers laboratory helps to develop knowledge on processor architecture and the programming skills. This laboratory houses the hardware which includes 8085 Microprocessor trainer kits, 8086 Microprocessor trainer kits, 8051 Microcontroller trainer kits and interfacing cards. Features and facilities available in this laboratory helps the students to do their projects and enhance their knowledge on the latest trends and technologies.

Power Electronics Lab

This lab addresses issues related to energy conservation, alternate energy systems, zero energy buildings and locomotion. Experiments and projects in this lab includes multilevel inverter topologies and control for high power drives, bond graph modelling for the design of switched mode power controllers, sensorless control for induction motors, desalination of seawater using hybrid energy technology, wind energy capture system for standalone applications, quality power supply with magnetic arm switching and solar energy transport to kitchen for cooking purposes.

Power Systems Lab

Power system Laboratory comprises of protection, simulation, high voltage and machine related experiments.

Robotics Lab

Robotics lab aims to work on the problems and innovative projects that extend the state of the art in robotics. Edutech provides robotics solutions for various multiple domains of robotics like Multi-robotic systems, Mobile robot navigation and planning, Force control of legged vehicles, Robot Vision


Telecommunications laboratory provides instruction in the latest telecommunication technologies; the lab has the capacity to simulate large telephony and data networks. The current capabilities include VoIP, PBXs, ATM, Frame Relay, DSL, ISDN, as well as more advanced routing and switching technologies such as MPLS and VLANs.

Control and Instrumentation

Instrumentation and Control laboratory provides a “hands – on” experience and plays an important role for understanding of theoretical concepts. Edutech provides solutions to equip  Instrumentation and Control laboratory with instruments like temperature measurement, level detection, pressure measurement, flow measurement etc. and different types of valves, e.g., solenoid valves, servo valves, etc. On different panels or rigs these can be arranged in different control configurations to achieve specific control objectives.