For Engineering Teaching & Research


- EV-Hybrid – Fuel Cell

- Self Driving Cars

- Turnkey & modular trainer kits

- EV STEM kits


- Simulation and Design software’s

- Testing & Validation software’s


- Curriculum modules

- Projects

- Competitions

For Engineering Teaching & Research


- EV-Hybrid – Fuel Cell

- Self Driving Cars

- Turnkey & modular trainer kits

- EV STEM kits


- Simulation and Design software’s

- Testing & Validation software’s


- Curriculum modules

- Projects

- Competitions

Functional Models – Turnkey Hybrid & Electric Vehicle trainers systems

Functional Models – Turnkey Hybrid & Electric Vehicle trainers systems

A Complete Road-Ready EV Kit with Projects & Curriculum

A Complete Road-Ready EV Kit with Projects & Curriculum

EV & Hybrid trainer kits

EV & Hybrid trainer kits

Fuel Cell trainer kits

Fuel Cell trainer kits

EV STEM kits

EV STEM kits

Self-Driving Cars - Sensor-rich autonomous vehicle systems

Self-Driving Cars - Sensor-rich autonomous vehicle systems

Vehicle Electrification Simulation & Design Software

Vehicle Electrification Simulation & Design Software

Electric Vehicle Automotive Drives

Electric Vehicle Automotive Drives

Functional Models – Turnkey Hybrid & Electric EV Vehicle trainers systems

Hybrid and Electric EV Vehicle trainers
Functional Models – Turnkey Hybrid and Electric EV Vehicle trainers systems

AutoEDU manufactures a range of functional models for automotive technical education purposes. This includes electric and hybrid functional models to meet the expected global rise in demand for this type of vehicle and the subsequent need for trained professionals in maintaining and repairing these kinds of vehicles. Hybrid vehicles training is hugely important, if students are to keep ahead of changing trends within the automotive industry. This is why AUTOEDU is committed to manufacturing hybrid and electric EV vehicle trainers to facilitate effective and up to date automotive technician training.

Hybrid and Electric EV Vehicle trainers

A Complete Road-Ready EV Kit with Projects & Curriculum

A Complete Road-Ready EV Kit

Re-Usable, Durable and Cost Effective.

The EV car is designed to be built, tested and driven, and then disassembled for the next class to use – every semester, and year after year.

Option 1:

SL - DC/72 DC drive system 72 volt AGM Lead Acid

Option 2:

SL - PM/72 PM Drive System 72 Volt AGM Lead Acid

Option 3:

SL - AC/96 AC drive system 96 volt Lithium Ion

Option 4:

SL - PM/96 Hyper/9 drive system 96 volt Lithium Ion

Instructor Workshops

Our Workshops include everything you need to ensure a successful classroom project. You’ll receive guidance for teaching mechanics and electricity, and you’ll build the EV from the ground up, just like your students will.


Electric Vehicle Kits

Students work together to assemble a road-ready electric vehicle following clear instructions. Our “re-usable” kit includes the chassis, AC, DC or Permanent Magnet drive system, battery, all required wiring, lights, seat, seat-belt and windscreen.


Classroom Curriculum

The EV Lab is an all-inclusive, turn-key program with four vehicle options and two levels of curriculum support. Designed to be adaptable to a range of courses and schedules, it supports STEM, CTE and Common Core in one package.


Electric Vehicles, Hybrid & Fuel Cell Trainer & STEM kits

Hybrid Vehicle Systems Panel Trainer

This trainer provides students and instructors with the opportunity to demonstrate, investigate and fault-nd a simulation of a hybrid vehicle electrical system. The trainer is designed to allow access to a simulation of the mechanical operation as well as provide a mimic of the electrical power flow.

Hybrid Vehicle Systems Panel Trainer
Modern Starting and Charging Systems Trainer

Modern Starting and Charging Systems Trainer

The board is focused on the starting and charging systems of a modern vehicle. Students are set tasks that encourage them to explore CAN Data Bus systems practically and also improve their knowledge of components, circuits, signals and systems.

Vehicle Electrical System Trainer

This real component trainer offers a fully operational automotive electrical system designed for teaching basic electrical principles. Investigations and demonstrations allow students to acquire an understanding of how simple electrical circuit theory is key to developing sound automotive fault-finding techniques.

Vehicle Electrical System Trainer
Autotronics - Hybrid System

Autotronics - Hybrid System

With the simulator DL AM20 it is possible to study all the operating characteristics of a hybrid system that uses a parallel coupling between an internal combustion unit and a three-phase electric motor.

This simulator is an educational system designed in vertical frame, bench-top, so the students have the capability to watch the theoretical and practical study of the automotive systems. It includes colour mimic diagram that clearly shows the structure of the system and allows the location of components on it.

Lightweight Electric Vehicles

Benchtop educational system for the simulation and the theoretical and practical study of the main circuits and components that are used in lightweight electric vehicles.

The simulator is divided in three sections, relevant, respectively, to electric bicycles, scooters and cars and it allows learning their operation through light signaling. By means of a selector it is possible to choose the vehicle that you want to analyze. By connecting the panel to a computer it is possible to visualize on the screen the available information during the operation of the system.

Lightweight Electric Vehicles
Hybrid And Electric Systems

Hybrid And Electric Systems

With this simulator it is possible to study all the operating characteristics of an automobile with a hybrid system (internal combustion engine and electric motor) or totally electric.

The simulator consists of a panel operated by PC with a mimic diagram for the clear positioning of the components. The different zones of the mimic diagram are presented with different colours and shades to emphasize the peculiar characteristics of the system. The mimic diagram is also fitted with light indicators so as to enable the observation of the operation of the system.

Electric Vehicle Energy Management Training Equipment

The equipment is fully equipped with electric vehicle energy management system, can simulate the electric vehicle start, low speed, general driving, full speed, slow down and stop six kinds of conditions of energy flow direction and the motor running. Understanding electric vehicle energy management training system components and works.

Electric Vehicle Energy Management Training Equipment
STEM Integrated Electric Car Lab

STEM Integrated Electric Car Lab

This fast and sleek 1/10th scale electric car comes with all the electronics and hardware needed to assemble the kit, and includes easy to use visual instructions. This kit is also compatible with most hobby standard DC motors, gears, radio transmitters, Servos, Bodies, wheels, tires and more.

Fuel Cell based Electric Vehicle Trainer

HyDrive – Electric Vehicle Trainer

The FC EV provides students with a hands-on experiment set to examine the construction, functionality and benefits of fuel cell and hybrid electric vehicles. The Electric Vehicle Trainer assists teachers in conveying the scientific principles behind this technology. The FCEV comes with an extensive didactic material and an educational software, facilitating teacher’s preparation and execution of classes.

HyDrive – Electric Vehicle Trainer

Key Features

  • FCEV vehicle that can be operated independently or in conjunction with a test bench
  • H2 filling station to demonstrate safe vehicle refueling
  • The modular set-up allow users to examine separate subcomponents or the complete hybrid system
  • Actual components for real qualitative and quantitative analyses – no simulation
  • Highly-advanced didactic software
  • Extensive experiment guide with 13 experiments that facilitates auto didactical study and problem resolution


  • The charge and discharge characteristics of a supercapacitor
  • The characteristic curve of a fuel cell and its maximum power point
  • The relationship between the fuel cell performance and air supply
  • The basic equation of motion and the conversion of electrical to mechanical power
  • The characteristic curve and energy efficiency of an electrolzer
  • FCEVs in practice: the recuperation of breaking energy
  • Constructing and testing a hybrid system

Self-Driving Autonomous Car

Sensor-rich autonomous vehicle
QCar, the feature vehicle of the Self-Driving Car Research Studio, is an open-architecture, scaled model vehicle designed for academic research. Working individually or in a fleet, QCar is the ideal vehicle for validating dataset generation, mapping, navigation, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and other advanced self-driving concepts.

The QCar is powered with NVIDIA® Jetson™ TX2 supercomputer and equipped with a wide range of sensors including LIDAR, 360-degree vision, depth sensor, IMU, encoders, as well as user-expandable IO. Use it to jump-start your research and scale your existing vehicle fleet, while leveraging multiple software environments including Simulink®, Python™, C/C++, Tensor Flow and ROS.

Self-Driving Autonomous Car

Vehicle Electrification Simulation & Design Software

The extraordinary design challenges posed by mobility electrification require equally extraordinary solutions. Simulation is the a way to efficiently address the design demands that will define a successful race to market. Electric mobility leaders are already reporting on the benefits of electric vehicle simulation software and its empowering effect on the design process.

Electrified Powertrain System Integration

Electrified Powertrain System Integration

Integrate highly complex, electric vehicle (EV) and hybrid-electric vehicle (HEV) powertrains and their subsystems and components.

Battery Management System (BMS) Design Software

Battery Management System (BMS) Design Software

An integrated solution for BMS development that allows for risk-free virtual testing.

Battery Management System (BMS) Design Software

Battery Management System (BMS) Design Software

We offers a state-of-the-art battery system EMI/EMC simulation solution that seamlessly combines frequency and time domain simulation.

Electric Motor

Electric Motor

Full system integration from the concept design stages to analysis optimization and verification

50% Reduction In Overall Development Time

50% Reduction In Overall Development Time

Simulation empowers engineers with rapid prototyping to see what works, without investing time into building physical models for every prototype and version.

75% Reduction In Ac Drive Development Time

75% Reduction In Ac Drive Development Time

While simulation helps streamline your entire workflow, especially difficult problems often see the biggest benefits. The more complex the required tests, the more time simulation can save.

12% Improvement in Power Density and Energy Efficiency

12% Improvement in Power Density and Energy Efficiency

Improved power systems drive consumer confidence by reducing range anxiety. Market leaders are already using Ansys software to create more inspiring vehicles with less wasted time and resources.

EV Automotive Drives

Electric vehicles of today are equipped with a wide range of electric drives, from the main drive for vehicle traction to the numerous auxiliary drives for the various electrical systems onboard the vehicle, such as air conditioning, electromechanical power steering systems, and electronic braking systems. While these systems range from less safety-critical systems to those with the highest safety requirements, they have one thing in common: They all require a powerful and flexible development environment as well as extensive testing during the development phase, resulting in a wide range of testing requirements for manufacturers.

In addition, the latest trends in the automotive industry impose various requirements on state-of-the-art electric drives and their manufacturers, including – Enhanced energy density, Increased switching frequencies, Increased number of switches, More advanced motor topologies, Increased controller complexity, Increased voltages of up to 1,000 V

Power HIL Systems

Power HIL Systems

Closing the gap between HIL and dynamometer testing
dSPACE offers ready-to-use solutions for testing controllers and power electronics throughout the complete range of electric vehicle components.

XSG Electric Component Models

XSG Electric Component Models

Plant models for FPGA-based simulations
Simulation of electric components that require highest dynamics and precision.

SCALEXIO EMH Solution for Electric Drives Simulation

SCALEXIO EMH Solution for Electric Drives Simulation

Processor based simulation of electric drives
The SCALEXIO EMH Solution provides a comprehensive Configuration Desk I/O library for the processor-based HIL simulation of electric drives.

Selected Use Cases

HIL Simulation for Vehicle Traction Motors

HIL Simulation for Vehicle Traction Motors

Learn how to test controllers of electric motors at signal level with out dSPACE hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) test systems.

RCP Systems for Hybrid and Fully Electric Powertrains

RCP Systems for Hybrid and Fully Electric Powertrains

Our dSPACE rapid-control prototyping (RCP) systems support you in developing and verifying control strategies and distributed ECU functions for powertrain systems of electric vehicles.

HIL Systems for Emulating Small Electric Motors

HIL Systems for Emulating Small Electric Motors

Learn hot to test in-vehicle auxiliary systems at the electric power level with our HIL test systems.

Developing Production Software for Safety-Related E-Mobility Applications

Developing Production Software for Safety-Related E-Mobility Applications

Transfer function models to production code efficiently and in compliance with safety standards.