iCapture - Lecture Capture Solution

What is iCapture?
iCapture is an easy to use, powerful and effective Lecture Capture Solution. The solution has been designed keeping the modern-day requirements of both learners and educators in mind. In addition, it is suitable for Institutions of every size. Our solution will seamlessly integrate with customer’s existing infrastructure, thereby negating the need for heavy investments in hardware and software.

iCapture lets you schedule an event to be automatically recorded on specific days and times of the week, and the distribution channel to which the recordings will be published.

iCapture is a workflow-based system that provides a scalable infrastructure for encoding and enriching video with metadata, preview images, brands, captioning and text analysis to make the media more discoverable and accessible.

iCapture enables you to publish recordings for on-demand viewing or download. Learning tools interoperability (LTI) and RSS/Atom feeds are available for integration with other systems, and publishing to YouTube can be automated.

Player can be used as a standalone application, or embedded inside other applications like blogs, wikis or content management systems. The Playback feature enables slide segmentation and in-video text search.

iCapture provides a dashboard for administrators to configure the system, make bulk edits to content and metadata, track the status and performance of content and configure distribution of video content.
Why iCapture is the right choice for your Institution?
- Cost effective: iCapture is incredibly cost effective. Unlike other commercial software, iCapture does not have any recurring costs or user based licenses.
- Scalable: The modular system design of iCapture allows customers to scaleup as and when required.
- Intuitive Design: The intuitive design of the platform ensures that users start using the solution with minimal hand-holding.

Key Features

Institution Branding &
Copyright Protection


Live Stream While

Capture Schedule

Continuous Recording &

Inject Video

Ready Integration
with LMS

Media Player


Distributed Deployment

Video Editing
Benefits for Institutions
Benefits for Students

- Helps improve learner outcomes
- Increases student engagement
- Supports principle of no student left behind
- Anywhere, anytime access to content
- Improves student retention rates
- Mobile learning

- Supports flipped classroom
- Enhances facetime with students
- Supports content creation
- Standardize quality of education
- Improves teaching outcomes
- Ideal for MOOC
- Reliable & Cost effective
- Improved brand visibility