Build your own motion capture systems!
OptiTrack real time tracking systems are the world’s choice for low latency, precision 6DoF tracking for ground and aerial robotics (UAV’s). We produce the most precise and easy to use indoor and outdoor positioning systems for input into all the major control systems.
Virtual Reality

Tracking HMDs, Objects & CAVEs
Movement Sciences

Human Movement Analysis & Research

Tracking Ground Robots & Drones

Mocaps for Film, Games & Education

Exceptional 3D Precision & Accuracy for Drones & Robotic Labs
OptiTrack systems, coupled with our new Micron Series calibration tools, produce the most precise 3D data available today—capable of sub-20 μm accuracy in optimal conditions. Perfectly optimized 3D accuracy is at the heart of our robotics tracking systems.

High-speed, low-latency tracking
From high-speed cameras featuring image-stopping global shutters & fast-discharge LEDs to a pipeline that processes data from photon to rigid body solve, OptiTrack has been engineered for speed.

Incredible range
OptiTrack cameras offer the best range in the industry, by huge margins. The long-range specialist Prime 41 is able to see a 16 mm passive marker from over 100’ away.

Powerful, flexible rigid body tracking
OptiTrack’s worldwide reputation for easy to use tools is evident in every keystroke and mouse click within Motive’s robotics tracking solutions. Track an object of just about any size or shape—and get operating without head scratching—in seconds.

Rock-solid real-time solver
OptiTrack’s advanced rigid body solver is the best in the industry, delivering flawless 6DoF (degrees of freedom) data over wide areas with multiple targets.

Setup is easy
An OptiTrack pipeline is straightforward, offering several unique features that combine to reduce system setup time by up to 75%. Aim Assist, auto-masking, versatile hardware and the industry’s longest range cameras make even large systems easy to setup with just one person.

Outdoor capture, out of the box
Featuring ultra-powerful strobes and custom-engineered band-pass filters, Prime Series cameras can track reflective markers outside, in full sunlight—ideal for tracking quadrotors in bright environments, without adding the weight and complexity of active markers. All OptiTrack cameras can track the same sized marker outdoors at about half their indoor distance.

The industry's most open optical tracking architecture
Our free developer tools provide access to camera images, centroids, reconstructed 3D points, rigid body 6DoF position and orientation, and nearly everything in between. Our Natnet SDK provides free, open, and well documented access to OptiTrack’s real time stream for easy integration into your control system.

External synchronization via eSync 2 & OptiHub 2
Integrate your OptiTrack system with other devices via external sync in/out for slave and triggering events. Utilize either frame triggers or free-run triggering to synchronize frame cycling with external software controls and hardware components like shutter glasses.

Affordable Pricing
Accessible pricing is at the heart of our effort to democratize motion capture. Simply put, you will not find production-ready motion capture priced more competitively than an OptiTrack system. If you want to learn which system is right for your budget, reach out to us on infoindia@edutech.com

In-house manufacturing
Central to OptiTrack’s blend of high performance and low price is our in-house manufacturing facility, located at our Oregon HQ. Because we’re able to mill, etch, solder, assemble and calibrate every major component of our hardware on-site, we can pay meticulous attention to the quality and performance of your system.

Off-the-shelf I/O technology
OptiTrack systems incorporate off-the-shelf interfaces like Cat6 Ethernet and USB, so securing a replacement is as simple as a trip to the electronics store.
Join the world's largest motion capture community
OptiTrack users form the largest community of motion capture professionals in the world. From enabling a quadriplegic to drive a race car with his head, to creating the largest volume in history, to teaching robots to fly—together, they are accomplishing remarkable things.

OptiTrack Application Areas

OptiTrack for Robotics
OptiTrack real time tracking systems are the world’s choice for low latency, precision 6DoF tracking for ground and aerial robotics (UAV’s). We produce the most precise and easy to use indoor and outdoor positioning systems for input into all the major control systems.

OptiTrack for Sports Science & Animation
Our Prime Series of cameras and Motive software have combined to produce the largest capture volumes in the world, the most precise 3D data, and highest camera counts ever achieved. OptiTrack delivers the best-performing platform in motion capture, with easy to use production workflows and the depth you need to run the world’s largest stages.

OptiTrack for Virtual Production
Chosen for its absolute precision, ease of use, reliability and polished integration with on-set tools, OptiTrack remains the choice for the world’s premier LED wall based virtual production stages.

OptiTrack for Healthcare & Biomechanics
OptiTrack systems offer the world’s leading blend of measurement accuracy and simple, easy-to-use workflows which provide researchers and biomechanists with ideal 3D tracking data for their studies. Native, plug-and-play support for all major digital force plates, EMGs, and analog devices gives researchers the tools they need most for display and analysis in Visual 3D, The MotionMonitor, MATLAB, and other third party biomechanics packages

OptiTrack for Virtual Reality
We build the world’s most accurate and easy to use wide area VR trackers – by optimizing the performance metrics that matter most for Virtual Reality tracking. The result is ultra-low latency, butter smooth tracking for any Head Mounted Display (HMD) or Cave automatic immersive environment.